Work on 7th Economic Census gathers momentum


New Delhi, June 5 : A workshop for State Level Training of Trainers on 7th Economic Census for NCT of Delhi has been organized for June 6, an official release said.
The training program for state level trainers in Karnataka, Kerala and Goa will be held on June 7 while for Madhya Pradesh it is scheduled on June 10. The training workshop for Tamilnadu will be held on June 11 while for Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep it has been scheduled on June 12.
In the National Workshop held May 14, the participants (Master Trainers) were trained on the key concepts and definitions, processes, digital platform and application to be used for the enumeration (data capture and supervision) in the field. This is being followed by State and District level detailed training.
What is Economic Census
Economic Census is the complete count of all establishment located within the geographical boundary of India. The Economic Census provides disaggregated information on various operational and structural variables of all establishments of the country. Economic Census also provides valuable insight into geographical spread/clusters of economic activities, ownership pattern, persons engaged, etc. of all economic establishments in the country. The information collected during Economic Census are useful for socio-economic developmental planning at state and district levels. Economic Census provides an updated sampling frame for follow- up enterprise surveys undertaken for detailed and comprehensive analysis of all establishments in the country.
Economic Census 2019
The Seventh Economic Census (7th EC) is being conducted by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) in 2019. In the current Economic Census, MoSPI has partnered with CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, a Special Purpose Vehicle under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology as the implementing agency for 7th EC. In the 7th EC, an IT based digital platform for data capture, validation, report generation and dissemination will be used. The fieldwork for the 7th EC is likely to commence by the end of June 2019 or next month. The results of the exercise will be made available after verification and validation of the field work.
Economic Census will cover all establishments including household enterprises, engaged in production or distribution of goods/services (other than for the sole purpose of own consumption) in non-farm agricultural and non-agricultural sector will be counted. The coverage is same as the one in 6th Economic Census, conducted in 2013.
Previous Economic Censuses
Six Economic Censuses, (EC) have been conducted by the Union Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. till date. The first Economic Census was undertaken in 1977. The Second EC was carried out in 1980 followed by the Third EC in 1990. The fourth edition took place in 1998 while the fifth EC was held in 2005. The Sixth edition of Economic Census was conducted in 2013.


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