World community to respond Imran Khan’s Challenge said Ramesh Arora MLC


Pakistan has been fully exposed before International Community and Imran Khan has admitted its involvement in terror training and supporting militancy in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Enough is enough Pakistan leadership has openly challenged the whole world and its stability and even existence.

Pakistan is a terror state and now time is ripe to declare it as a state having terrorism as its state policy.

They talk of Kashmir Muslim but silent over the atrocities committed by China over Muslims. It has exposed leadership of the Pakistan to maximum extend they are hand in glow with China over violation of fundamental rights of Muslims in China.

They challenged the world at large because they are atomic power country.

They violate all fundamental rights even rights to life in Pok-Baltistan. They kill Muslim in their own country with no chance to defend in any court of law.

Most of the portion of Gilgit and Baltistan under their illegal occupation has been handed over to China. “Pakistan do not treat Hindu, Sikh, Shia, Amhadia, Sindi as equal. They want to make Pakistan as a Country which will fight everyday on roads and streets like Afghanistan and Seria. World Community cannot remain as a silent spectator said Ramesh Arora MLC.”

It is time to stop Pakistan from marching in a direction which will disturb peace of International community as Challenge was put-forth in speech before United Nation forum by Imran Khan.

A dog has gone violent and is bent upon to bite everyone who comes in his way no option but to kill dog to save all.

It is time to impose economic sanction. It is time to kill the killer. It is time to get 1994 resolution implemented said Ramesh Arora MLC before it is too late.

A civilized nation cannot use such words of destruction of humanity and mankind on the earth as were used indirectly by Pakistan leadership.


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