YNC nominates Sahil Singh Jamwal as provincial secretary


Shadow Correspondent
Youth National Conference in a function held at Sher e Kashmir bhawan , Nominated Sahil Singh Jamwal as Provincial Secretary .The function was being presided by Youth national conference President Azaz jan (Ex-MLA )Poonch .
While Talking to media Person Saahil singh jamwal said that he is thankful to the party high command for imposing faith up on him . he promised all the workers and partymen that he shall continue to work with the same zeal and enthusiasm to work for propogation of the secular ideology of national conferenece at grass root level.
Imposing faith on the abilities of Sahil singh jamwal , jaan said that Sahil singh jamwal is welcome with open hands and wished that his services shall better the plight of the youth in state .
Latter after the function .while addresiing media on the sidelines sahil assured that his endeavour shall be to uplift downtrodden and work for youth upliftment.


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