YRS holds meeting at Gho Manasa


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Sep 17:
Today Yuva Rajput Sabha (YRS) holds meeting at Gho Manasa.
The main agenda of the meeting of YRS is the Pride of Dogra’s rally on 23rd sept i.e on the eve of the birthday of the Maharaja Hari Singh ji.
The meeting was headed by President Yuva Rajput sabha, Rajveer Singh
Addressing the gathering, President YRS, Rajveer Singh said that YRS starts Pride of Dogra’s rally on the eve of Birth anniversary of our almighty Maharaja Hari Singh ji last year and YRS continues this Pride of Dogra’s rally as a festival this year also and in coming years also.
Rajveer further added that last year so many of the peoples are not aware of the rally but this year we gave our best to send messege to each family of the community and so that we make it at a large scale and gave a high tribute to our Maharaja of J&K Hari Singh ji. As we the Dogras who called himself Indians i.e all because of Maharaja Hari Singh ji and his efforts for the peoples of J&K, said Rajveer.
He further added that near about before four years we launch a fight with the Govt. for declaration of 23rd Sept as a gazzated holiday and establishment of Rajput Welfare Board in the state for the betterment of the poor and needy Rajput community. And for this we hold protest and done meetings with several minister and MLA’s but still no response was given by the Govt. Officials. And with Pride of Dogra’s rally we again gave a message to the said central Govt. and Governor of J&K for declaring 23rd Sept as a gazatted holiday and for establishment of the Rajput Welfare Board in the state.
At the last Rajveer thanks all the members of the Rajput community who were present there and also demands there full support for making this shoba yatra a huge one. And also promise to the People of concerned areas that if Govt. fails to declare 23rd sept a gazzatted holiday then we the members of YRS along with people of J&K holds strong protest demonstration against J&K govt. and Governor of J&K.


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