Yudhvir Sethi distributes PMAY approval letters amongst beneficiaries


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Jan, 16
BJP General Secretary J&K, Yudhvir Sethi on called for collective efforts for steering the newly formed Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory to the pinnacles of development, progress, peace and prosperity. He said the BJP Government at the Centre is endeavoring for uplift of the people of J&K, irrespective of caste, creed and colour.
This was stated by Sethi who was accompanied by Corporator Anil Masoom and BJP Mahila Morcha leader Sharda Kumari
while handing over Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) approval letters amongst the beneficiaries at a programme held here on Thursday.
A total number of 15 approval letters were handed over to the beneficiaries of PMAY.
Sethi said that the BJP government under the stewardship of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has taken several initiatives for the welfare of people of the three regions of J&K. He solicited the cooperation of the people in realizing the dream of making the state economically vibrant and prosperous. He mentioned that today 15 beneficiaries were given the approval letters under PMAY which will further help them in construction of their houses in a planned manner and under the scheme, four installments will be released in favor of the beneficiaries amounting to a total of Rs 1.66 lakh each which will overcome many problems for economically weaker section.
Sethi emphasized that roadmap laid by BJP is the only way to establish sustainable peace in the Jammu and Kashmir. He said that BJP through its programmes and policies has created a sense of security among residents of Jammu and Kashmir. He also threw light on the initiatives taken by BJP for the welfare of people across the country. He also highlighted various central sponsored public welfare schemes. He said that we must all make ourselves aware of these schemes so that these could reach the targeted population.


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