Yuva Panthers visits various wards of Jammu City; holds meet


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Apr, 28
Leaders of Yuva Panthers visit various wards of Jammu City and held a meeting with its office bear. The meeting was chaired by Partap Singh Jamwal (State Vice President YP) along with Tarsem Singh (Distt. President YP), Bhanu Partap Goria (President Jammu West YP), Arun Mehra (Distt. Vice President YP) & Kapil Mehra (Vice President Jammu West YP).
Partap Singh alleged against the Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Recruitment Board (JKSSRB) for the change in criteria for various posts advertised by the board. Hesaid that the selection was usually made on the basis of typing speed, but blame the authorities for omitting it altogether. “The selection was made on the basis of the typing speed, and it was sole criteria for the selection, now they have made some changes,” said Partap, He said that the department, out of nowhere, has made the written test mandatory of the selection, “but we have spent years in stenography, and now they are not even considering it,” he added.
Yuva Panthers demanded immediate revocation of the order which has sidelined the stenographers and has made the written test a sole base of for the selection. “we demand that the changes made should be revoked,” Partap added.
On the occassion, Partap Singh announced Mr. Vishal as a Jammu East President YP, Shivam Gupta as Jammu East Vice President YP and S Honey Singh as Gen. Secy. Jammu East YP.


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