Excess weight causes cardiovascular diseases
Turns out, excess weight does more harm to the human body than we might think. According to a recent study, excess weight and body...
Lowering BP And Reducing Salt Intake May Cut 94 MN Early...
High blood pressure or hypertension is the condition where the force of blood against your arterial wall is too high. It is currently one...
Winter seeing higher eye ailments
The ongoing dip in temperatures is leading to common eye ailments like dry eyes, irritation, infection and conjunctivitis. This is mainly because moisture within...
Regulation of neurotransmission could explain depression
Researchers have found that changes in the regulation of neurotransmission could explain depression immunity.They have tried to establish that anhedonia-prone rats have more serotonin...
19 Home Remedies For Cold, Back Pain, Nausea And Other Common...
If you ever have a conversation with your grand mother, she'll tell you that back in the day they mostly relied on natural home...
How to Do Tadasana (Mountain Pose): Steps and Benefits
A very simple yoga pose which is regarded as the ‘mother of asanas’, tadasana is like the base from which all the poses emerge....
High Blood Pressure Diet: 6 Summer Foods For Managing Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is one of the most common conditions in India. It is said that one in every three Indians are suffering from hypertension...
Practitioners Seek Standards for Ayurveda Medicines
Ayurveda practitioners seek standards for Ayurvedic medicines.Ayurveda practitioners from across the country assembled to sought standards for Ayurvedic medicines to popularize Ayurveda and create...
5 Fruits You Should Include In Your Cholesterol Diet
Did you know heart ailments were the top killers globally in the year 2016? When it comes to heart, it is critical that you...
Coffee may cut diabetes: new study
Love coffee? You have a fresh reason to go for another cup as increasing daily coffee consumption may significantly reduce type 2 diabetes risk....