Anti-malaria drug may prevent hereditary hearing loss: Study

A widely-used anti-malaria drug may help prevent hearing loss caused by heredity and genetic disorders, a study has found.Researchers from Case Western Reserve University...

Eating Walnuts Daily May Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Levels: Study

Walnuts are said to be healthy for daily consumption. The nuts are said to be loaded with healthy fats in the form of omega...

What’s The Difference Between Yoga and Pilates?

Yoga may have a bigger fan following right now, but with celebrity Pilates teachers like Yasmin Karachiwala who trains Bollywood’s best - Pilates, too,...

Regular cannabis use reduces attention span, creativity

Regular users of cannabis are not good at creative thinking and are often less aware of their own mistakes, claims research on the effects...

How Eating Sweet Potatoes May Help You Lose Weight

Thank the food heaven to bestow us with a vegetable as good as sweet potato that does not only taste amazing, but has numerous...

8 Ayurvedic Tips To Keep Cool In Summer; Stay Healthy

We all have dealt with summer heat and have hated it most of the time; skin eruptions, sweat and dehydration, summers are mostly about...

10 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

The incidence of diabetes is on the rise with number of cases growing by the year. According to the data from The World Health...

How to do the Bridge Pose: Steps and Benefits of Setu...

A modern lifestyle, in most cases, is sedentary. We tend to get so caught up with our office work that physical activity often takes...

Simple tips to take care of your lips this summer

Maintaining smooth, hydrated lips is a must during the summer season. If your lips become dry, spend some extra time in your routine and...

‘Seizures, headaches early symptoms of brain tumour’

There are over 120 different types of brain tumours that exhibit different symptomatology, shared Dr Vishnu Gupta, additional director, Neurosurgery, and Dr Alok Jain,...