Study finds car vibrations make drivers sleepy

Natural vibrations of cars make people sleepier, affecting concentration and alertness levels just 15 minutes after drivers get behind the wheel, a study has...

Psychology museum explores what makes us human

Wonder Woman’s striking visage on large, bright screens just inside the new National Museum of Psychology tells visitors there’s more here than dusty books...

Bitten by the running bug

Seasoned runners will tell you that once you experience the high that running gives, you can never have enough! City-based interior designer Murali Karanam...

World Chocolate Day: Here are fertility inducing benefits of dark chocolate

World chocolate day is celebrated every year on July 7. When consumed in large amounts and frequently chocolate will cause weight gain, consumed in...

Depression, anxiety linked to heart failure: Study

Time and again experts from across the globe have said that there is a pathophysiological relationship between heart failure and depression and anxiety. According to...

Bitten by the running bug

Seasoned runners will tell you that once you experience the high that running gives, you can never have enough! City-based interior designer Murali Karanam...

Living, breathing, teaching yoga

When Hema Laxman wanted to become an entrepreneur, the only question that kept playing in her head was “As a woman and a sole...

Here’s how age, education may affect job changes

Turns out, people are more likely to change jobs when they are younger and well-educated. A team from ETH Zurich in Switzerland and the University...

New treatment for chronic kidney disease in the offing

Scientists have devised a method to deliver genetic material to treat damaged kidney cells in mice, an advance that may lead to a gene...

New treatment for chronic kidney disease in the offing

Scientists have devised a method to deliver genetic material to treat damaged kidney cells in mice, an advance that may lead to a gene...