Try kadha is a must try to give a big boost...

In this summer heat, everyone is looking for ways to stay both hydrated and healthy. While drinking plenty of water is advisable, you can...

Novel system uses turmeric to stop cancer cell growth

A new drug delivery system using curcumin the main ingredient in turmeric successfully inhibits the growth of bone cancer cells, say, scientists, including those...

Dieting For Weight Loss May Not Guarantee Long And Healthy Life;...

If excessive eating leads to obesity, resulting in many health problems, controlled eating should have had the opposite effect. We all thought dieting would...

Unsalted tomato juice cuts heart disease risk

Researchers have found that drinking unsalted tomato juice can lower blood pressure and cholesterol level in adults who are at risk of cardiovascular disease,...

An Ayurvedic Remedy for Oral Cancer Pain

According to the World Health Organization, oral cancer is the eleventh most common type of cancer worldwide. It is more common in developing countries...

This is why lean people get fatty liver disease

Researchers have discovered how fatty liver disease develops in lean people, aiding the development of potential treatments for these patients."Lean fatty liver patients have...

Diabetic students at higher risk of stress, depression

Diabetic students attending universities face a high level of diabetes-related distress mainly arising due to their concerns about living with this medical condition, a...

5 health benefits of humble mosambi

While we all know the benefits of citrusy lemon, we don’t know much about sweet lime. Our desi tropical fruit mosambi is mostly consumed...

6 expert-suggested exercises to keep you from losing muscle during lockdown

That’s the thing about hitting the gym: You get access to some amazing weight-lifting exercises that make for excellent resistance-training workouts and help you...

You need to include these 7 calcium-rich foods in your diet...

The most abundantly-available nutrient in our body, calcium also happens to be abundantly critical for maintaining bone strength. Calcium is also necessary for maintaining...