Roche Diagnostics becomes India’s first private firm to get COVID-19 test...

New Delhi: Swiss firm Roche Diagnostics India received the license for conducting coronavirus tests after approval from drug regulator DCGI, making it the first...

Being proactive helped

We are facing a catastrophic situation with the ongoing corona crisis. Global cases have surpassed the two-lakh figure. However, in India, the numbers still...

Structure and brain functions of drummers differ from others

The structure and function of brains of long-time drummers differ from that of people who are not into music, says a new study. It...

Tendon stem cells can be harnessed to improve tendon healing

A new research has revealed the existence of tendon stem cells that can potentially be harnessed to improve tendon healing and even to avoid...

Can depression speed brain aging?

Memory and thinking skills naturally slow with age but now scientists are peeking inside living brains to tell if depression might worsen that decline...

5 Foods That Can Boost Immunity In Kids

Most of us, millennial moms are in nuclear families today and feel alarmed of the possibility of our kids getting sick, especially if we...

Apple Tea: Weight Loss Benefits And How To Make It At...

Apple is a fruit with multifarious uses and health benefits. Whether you like to eat it raw or toss it in salads, custards, puddings,...

A Protein-Rich Diet May Reduce Age-Related Muscle Loss

Protein is often dubbed as the building block of life. One of its key functions is to aid muscle growth and facilitate muscle recovery. ...

How beneficial is yoga for the brain?

While aerobics has long been known for strengthening the brain and the growth of neurons, only a few studies have examined how yoga affects...

Winter seeing higher eye ailments

The ongoing dip in temperatures is leading to common eye ailments like dry eyes, irritation, infection and conjunctivitis. This is mainly because moisture within...