Coronavirus and flu: Symptoms,treatment

Is it the flu, a cold or the new coronavirus? Patients and doctors alike are parsing signs of illness to figure out who needs...

7 Amazing Benefits of Cabbage Juice, the New Health Tonic

The multi-layered veggie parcel and powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, cabbage is very well known for its properties in Ayurveda. Its high content of...

Backpain management in Ayurveda

With the changing times even the nature of jobs are changing. From the physically strenuous hard works the jobs are gradually being shifted to...

Why Are We Often Told Not To Chew Tulsi Leaves?

Tulsi, also known as the Holy Basil, is a sacred plant that you will find in most Indian households. It is often seated out...

Combining Dieting and Exercise May Hamper Bone Health: Study

Are you on a strict diet? Do you also follow a grueling workout regime? Perhaps you would want to relax a tad bit. According...

High-Protein Diet: This Easy-Peasy Moong Salad Is Ideal For Weight Loss

It has been emphasised often that protein can be a true game-changer in your weight loss diet. Protein helps induce satiety that keeps you...

3 effective spine strengthening exercises

We’ve heard of yoga. It stretches muscles and has quite a few postures. Interestingly, a lot of us have given our own versions. For...

Heartburn Drug Linked To Kidney Disease Risk: 5 Foods That May...

Consuming a widely prescribed drug to treat heartburn has been linked with increased risk of kidney diseases, a study conducted with 40,000 participants has...

6 amazing benefits of lemon water

An instant thought that pops up when you hear of lemons is its tanginess. Lemons for long have been known for lending a distinct...

Quitting smoking could boost immune system against coronavirus

People who smoke are generally at greater risk of the respiratory tract infection being more serious than it would be for someone who does...